Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's only been 7 weeks or so since I've posted...

I'm going to update with differences based on my most recent post (at the beginning of September).

I need to make this my focus. There is no other excuse and nothing else to say. My grades are not what I want them to be and I have fallen behind in reading for every class. My midterm test grades aren't up to snuff either.

I quit. The "modest living stipend" isn't sufficient to live off of unless one lives in government-funded housing, uses food stamps, and the whole nine yards. I have a degree and I'm of able body and mind. I'm working.

-I have great visiting teachers and that helps a ton.
-I have a few acquaintance-friends and that's helping me a lot.
-I enjoy the children in nursery and that's the best part of work.

-Too much and too personal to report.
-I don't want dating to be a priority.
-I don't want to be in a relationship right now.
-I'd rather have friends than a boyfriend.
-The last update was kinda' a lie/not really reporting what was going on any way for reference.

Apartment Hunting
-I found an apartment and moved in on September 9th.

-I'm working as the assistant manager at Claire's. I enjoy it largely. It's fun to help people find things and accessorize outfits.
-I don't know/understand many of the things yet, but I'm doing my best.

More later! I have about 5 weeks of school to catch up on! :)

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