Monday, September 5, 2011

Grad School

I started grad school two weeks ago today. That's my most recent excuse for disappearing. :)

My life (in bullet points because I'm tired of writing in coherent sentences with thesis statements):

Grad School began on August 22nd.
-I'm in the Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling Program at Marshall University.
-I'm taking three classes:
1. EDF 621: Educational Research and Writing
2. Coun 574: Social and Cultural Foundations
3. Coun 577: Stress Management Counseling
-Yes I am going full-time. Does that make me crazy? I think it might...

I began year at Americorps' VISTA Project the week of August 8th.
-Aug 8-11 was pre-service orientation.
-Aug 12th was my first official day as far as Americorps was concerned. I was on a train traveling home.
-Aug 15-19 I had two days off that week. That was nice. I met with everyone at work and set up my desk area.
-Aug 22-24th was orientation for the entire team, meet and greets, and location visits. That Friday we had off (one last reprieve.)
-Aug 29-Sep 2 This was my first full week. And it felt L-O-N-G! Other than the breakdown I had on Thursday night, I think it'll be okay. I talked with my supervisor so I think I will be okay. I hope I can continue to remember that I'm the only one pressuring myself like that. Everyone else is a bit more realistic. :)

-It's a year long commitment.
-I make enough to live right at the poverty level.
-I qualify for full food stamp benefits.
-I'm not allowed to have another job of any kind. They were very, very specific about this.
-I'm assessing the resources available across the state for veterans at colleges and universities.
-The hope is that I will be able to decide what the most effective programs are and develop a way to teach those to the schools and feasibly make them available to all of the veterans in the state.
-No pressure.

-I'm not loving the ward- by any means.
-I was called to be a primary worker in the nursery. I love children and I'm good with them so that's nice.
-I get to skip both Sunday School and Relief Society. SCORE.
-I asked for a calling 3 times before I got one. And I think the only reason it came up again is because a girl visiting home for the couple of weeks before BYU started back up. She happens to be the bishop's daughter and my friend.
-There is no YSA group here. Who am I kidding? There are all of 5 young, single adult members in the ward. None of us are interested in each other. In fact, that might be the one thing we see eye-to-eye on!

-Nothing to report.
-The most interesting man is in another city. And uninterested in communicating with me. And not a member.
-As far as Utah and it being the happy hunting ground goes? Well, I didn't manage to pull off getting married there; why would I pull it off here?!

Apartment Hunting
-I'm looking at a couple tomorrow.
-If either is more than semi-livable I fully intend to sign right then and there. I'd be willing to offer 1st and last month rent as well as a deposit and any application fees. I'll write a check on the spot.
-Ideally, I'd move out this week. Well, last week if we're discussing ideals...

I hope that's sufficient. I don't want to write any more.

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