I put those up. I crashed.
So that brings us to Saturday. It was just a day of rest. I taught Sunday School. I found out at 7pm on Saturday night that I was teaching. Luckily it was on family history work so that went well. It took me forever to fall asleep. But several friends stopped by so Saturday night was spent chatting and catching up. That was really nice because I was bummed before that.
I woke up SO pale on Sunday! And I woke up 20 minutes before church started (I'd set my alarm to PM. Oops.) I, needless to say, spent nearly and hour trying to make my face look like normal. It didn't quite work, but it was close enough. I walked to church, listened to the end of Sacrament Meeting, and then taught Sunday School. I wasn't very nice though. At one point I said, "Can't someone sum that quote up? I have freaking pneumonia and I got it!" Oops. Yeah, I was tired, grumpy, dizzy, and frustrated. After being visit taught, I slept for 6 hours. Now, I'm trying to find the floor of my room and get to my bed (once I get the clothes put up).
I'm going to attempt work tomorrow, but that's as ambitious as I think I can be. I need to go to the Health Center and return the nebulizer and the humidifier sometime tomorrow.
Yeah I think that's my life.
Also, I bought this in red, black, and brown. :)
And finally, I'm trying to find clean laundry so that I can attempt to go back to work.
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